How to make coconut chips # Header Bidding Agency

How to make coconut chips

How to make coconut chips.

This coconut chips recipe tastes so yummy that once you make it you might be tempted to finish it once and for all.
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* Coconut- As many as you want.

* Sugar- be sure to use the quantity that will be enough to make the outcome sweet. If you are using one coconut- 4 tablespoons of sugar is ok.


* Remove the coconut from its shell.

* Scrap the brown part of the coconut.

* Then cut into tiny pieces or use a grater to shred it into pieces.

* Rinse in water.

* Place pot on fire and add the coconut. Let the water that might be in it dry. Don't forget to stir it

* Then add your sugar to it and stir.

* Leave for few minutes to Cook.

* Make sure,it doesn't get burnt,then remove from fire.

* Another method is baking it, you can decide to bake it instead of putting it on fire.

Photo credit: chefolaskitchen

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