How to make liquid soap # Header Bidding Agency

How to make liquid soap

How to make liquid soap .
Liquid soap is used for Washing plates and other kitchen utensils
Cost of producing liquid soap is cheap and with little amount you can produce in large quantities.

Chemicals needed.
* nitrosol    -1/8 kg.
* SLS  - 1/2kg.
* soda ash - 1/2 kg.
*sulphuric acid -1 liter.
* Texapor - 1/4 kg
* colour ( you buy any color you want either green or blue). To your taste.
* fragrance - you buy lemon fragrance or orange any one you desire.


1.Add 1/8kg of nitosol in 15 litres of water to dissolve completely and stir very well.

2. Add 1/2kg of SLS in 2 litres of water separately and add to step 1.

3. Dissolve 1/2 kg of soda ash in 2 liter of water separately and add to 1 again and stir.

4. Add sulphuric acid and texapor one after the other then stir very well until you have a smooth blend..

5. Add color of your choice but dissolve in little quantity of water first.

6. Add any fragrance ( lemon or rose) to give it a good scent.

7. Stir very well and leave for few minutes for it to settle and ferment.

8. Your liquid soap is ready.

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