Say goodbye to rats, mice and cockroach # Header Bidding Agency

Say goodbye to rats, mice and cockroach

 The wonders of baking soda! Here are some effective ways to use baking soda to get rid of cockroaches, ants, and mice:

Getting Rid of Cockroaches with Baking Soda

1. *Baking Soda and Sugar Trap*: Mix equal parts baking soda and sugar in a small bowl. Place the bowl near areas where cockroaches are spotted. The sugar attracts the cockroaches, while the baking soda kills them.

2. *Baking Soda and Water Paste*: Mix baking soda and water to form a paste. Apply the paste along baseboards, in cabinets, and behind appliances. The baking soda will dehydrate and kill the cockroaches.

3. *Baking Soda and Essential Oils*: Mix baking soda with essential oils like peppermint, tea tree, or lavender. The strong scent of the essential oils will repel cockroaches, while the baking soda will kill them.

Getting Rid of Ants with Baking Soda

1. *Baking Soda and Powdered Sugar Barrier*: Sprinkle a mixture of baking soda and powdered sugar along ant trails and around entry points. The ants will be attracted to the sugar, but the baking soda will kill them.

2. *Baking Soda and Vinegar Spray*: Mix baking soda and vinegar to create a spray. Spray the solution directly on ants and around entry points. The acidity of the vinegar will kill the ants, while the baking soda will help neutralize the alkalinity of the ants' bodies.

3. *Baking Soda and Cinnamon Barrier*: Sprinkle a mixture of baking soda and cinnamon along ant trails and around entry points. The cinnamon will repel ants, while the baking soda will kill them.

Getting Rid of Mice with Baking Soda

1. *Baking Soda and Flour Trap*: Mix equal parts baking soda and flour in a small bowl. Place the bowl near areas where mice are spotted. The mice will be attracted to the flour, but the baking soda will kill them.

2. *Baking Soda and Peanut Butter Bait*: Mix baking soda with peanut butter to create a bait. Place the bait near areas where mice are spotted. The mice will be attracted to the peanut butter, but the baking soda will kill them.

3. *Baking Soda and Cornmeal Barrier*: Sprinkle a mixture of baking soda and cornmeal along mouse trails and around entry points. The cornmeal will attract mice, while the baking soda will kill them.

Precautions and Tips

1. *Wear gloves*: When handling baking soda, wear gloves to avoid skin irritation.

2. *Avoid inhaling*: Avoid inhaling baking soda powder, as it can cause respiratory issues.

3. *Keep out of reach*: Keep baking soda and other pest control methods out of reach of children and pets.

4. *Repeat as necessary*: Repeat the baking soda treatments as necessary to ensure complete elimination of pests.

5. *Combine with other methods*: Combine baking soda with other pest control methods, such as sealing entry points and removing food sources, for optimal results.

By using baking soda in these creative ways, you can effectively get rid of cockroaches, ants, and mice without using harsh chemicals.

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