30 days hair growth challenge # Header Bidding Agency

30 days hair growth challenge

30 days hair growth challenge.

Do you want to grow your hair to be full and long, follow this 30 days hair growth challenge.

For you to achieve hair growth within 30 days, you need to include some vitamins into your diet, like vitamin A, B and C, if you can get the capsule , you can take it as a drug, remember to ask the pharmacist the dosage you should use , to avoid abusing it. ( You can get this from pharmaceutical shops near you)
Or you eat foods that has such vitamins  like almonds, meat, fish, seafood and dark, leafy greens.citrus fruits and strawberries ,this should be taking daily.

* Soak a little quantity of rice in water and  use the water, sieve it to remove the rice and use to rinse your hair.

* Mix coconut oil, castor oil and carrot oil together and apply on your hair, wear shower cap and leave it for 30 minutes-45 minutes, then rinse off with shampoo

Do these within 30 days and watch your hair grow

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